The Truth About Remineralizing Tooth Enamel

The Truth about Repairing and Strengthening Tooth Enamel - sheeralternatives

Tooth enamel is the hard, outer layer of the tooth that protects it from damage. It is the strongest substance in the human body and plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and function of the teeth.  Unfortunately, enamel can be damaged by a variety of factors, including acidic foods and drinks, tooth grinding, and poor oral hygiene. When enamel is damaged, it can lead to sensitivity, tooth decay, and other oral health problems.

Can Enamel Be Restored Once It Is Damaged?

Yes, it is possible to restore damaged enamel. Once enamel is lost or damaged, it can be replaced and regenerated, but it will take some time. There are ways to help remineralize and strengthen the enamel that is left, which can help to improve the health and appearance of the teeth. The use of fluoride makes a noble attempt at preserving fluoride, but at what cost?

A report from New York University in 2020 says, “Exposing teeth to excessive fluoride alters calcium signaling, mitochondrial function, and gene expression in the cells forming tooth enamel—a novel explanation for how dental fluorosis, a condition caused by overexposure to fluoride during childhood, arises. The study, led by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry, is published in Science Signaling.” It is also a known fact that while low levels of fluoride help strengthen and protect tooth enamel, too much fluoride can cause dental fluorosis.

Toothpaste will typically use one of three types of fluoride to reinforce enamel and prevent the effects of lactic acid erosion. It will be a sodium fluoride, a stanneous fluoride, or a sodium monofluorophosphate fluoride. Interestingly enough, the name stanneous fluoride is indicative of it’s effects on the teeth. Most toothpaste will warn the consumer on the back of the box, “Stanneous Fluoride can cause surface staining of teeth.” Is that what you want? Do you want a toothpaste that uses a chemical that potentially stains your teeth, then adds bleaching agents in an effort to reverse the effect?

How Can Enamel be Preserved?

The best way to repair and strengthen enamel is by practicing good oral hygiene, including brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist regularly. These practices can help to remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth, which can help to prevent further damage to the enamel. Additionally, avoiding acidic foods and drinks and using a mouthguard while sleeping can help to protect the enamel on your teeth.

In conclusion, while it may take some time to restore damaged enamel, there are ways to accelerate the repair and strengthening of the enamel that is left. By using good, high-quality, organic oral care products that work, practicing good oral hygiene, and protecting your teeth from damage, you can help to improve the health and appearance of your teeth. Don’t neglect your oral hygiene – it is essential for maintaining strong, healthy teeth.

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